876 News
Discover what your union is doing to advocate, protect and educate!
Workers Win!
UFCW 876 Members working at Diversitak have unanimously ratified a new three year deal!
When we fight, we win!
Workers Win!
MedStar Ambulance
UFCW 876 Members working at MedStar Ambulance have overwhelmingly voted to ratify a new wage increase agreement!
Workers Win!
Pat's Food Center
UFCW 876 Members working at Pat's Food Center have overwhelmingly voted to ratify a new 3-year agreement, securing wages and benefits for the life of the contract!
Workers Win!
UFCW 876 Members working at Cattleman's have overwhelmingly voted to ratify a new 4-year agreement, securing wages and benefits for the life of the contract!
Solidarity WINS!
Twin City Foods
UFCW 876 Members working at Twin City Foods have overwhelmingly voted to ratify a new 4-year agreement, securing wages and benefits for the life of the contract!
Workers Win!
Congratulations to the following UFCW 876 Members for ratifying new contracts with stronger workplace protections, secured healthcare benefits, and significant wage increases!
- People's Food Co-Op
- Smith's Meat Packing
- Adhesive Systems, Inc.
- Yona Solutions - Adrian Bay
UFCW Local 876 President Dan Pedersen Elected International Vice President
UFCW Local 876 is pleased to annouce that our very own President Dan Pedersen has been elected to the International Executive Board, as International Vice President.
Ever a stalwart champion of Workers' Rights, and a tireless advocate for the Members of UFCW 876, President Pedersen will continue that same level of passion and determination as International Vice President!
ufcw outreach general executive board meeting
UFCW OUTreach held its regular Executive Board meeting this last week in Louisville, KY. It was hosted by UFCW 227, in honor of Zachee Imanitwitaho - a member of Local 227 whose life was taken by a co-worker. While there, the OUTreach Executive Board was visited by #PresidentPedersen! #UFCW876 is #StrongerTogether when all we stand in #Solidarity with our #2SLGBTQIA members! #SolidarityMeansEveryone
If you are interested in being part of UFCW 876's OUTreach chapter, please submit a response to the link: https://bit.ly/876OUTreachufcw local 876 stands in soldarity with uaw
UFCW Local 876 proudly stands in solidarity with the UAW, whose members are on strike for higher wages, better benefits, and a fair share of the pie! #StandUpUAW
people's food co-op ann arbor ratifies new contract
Congratulations to UFCW 876 Members at People's Food Co-Op Ann Arbor, who have secured a new three-year agreement, which includes significant wage increases, expanded PTO for FT members, a new PTO structure for PT members, and stronger workplace protections!
This is what Solidarity looks like!
Scholarship winners
Congratulations to 2023's UFCW 876 Scholarship Winners!
President Pedersen Visit
Earlier this month President Pedersen visted Kroger 864 with Recorder Villalpando. While they were there they got to catch up with many members. Stay tuned for coverage of more President Pedersen Visits.
Welcome to the UFCW 876 Family
Congratulations Bob's Discount Furniture!
Earlier this week Bob’s Discount Furniture in Shelby Township voted in favor of workplace protections and benefits. Welcome to the UFCW 876 family!
Welcome to the Team
Justin Pruett
Justin was hired at Kessel in 1999 as a courtesy clerk. When Kroger absorbed Kessel, he continued with the company. Throughout his 24 year long career, he held many positions, such as Grocery Backup, Frozen Manager, and Produce Manager. He has been a union steward for the past 20 years. He has always been a champion for the rights of the workers. Before he joined the union this year, he was Produce Manager at Kroger 409.
We are very excited that Justin has joined our team! #UFCW876 #PresidentPedersen
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Contact Us
Phone: 248-585-9671
Toll-free: 1-800-321-6406
Organizing: 1-888-206-4020
©2024 United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Local 876