They say 20/20 is everything. I think that is pretty accurate.
We have all had those thoughts of remorseful insight, had we only known what we know now. And although that feels applicable to our 2020 calendar (the one I set up way in advance, using all sorts of stats and experiences from the 2019 calendar) it makes me feel well-prepared for these scheduled events, contract expirations and training programs. But you can just never tell what is on the horizon.
What makes the unpredictably of any well-laid out plan more reasonable, is you. Union members familiar with processes and people. Union members who are engaged, participating and communicating with 876. Your insight and honesty serve as the most valuable tool I could possibly have in making more informed decisions. And it helps me make bigger strides in securing the best work life for each and everyone of you.
While preparing for the 2019 Steward training, I thought about the most significant shifts that preserved contractual protections. There were several instances where managerial action posed a real threat to the schedules and benefits of 876 members; and not just for one member but many. In each situation, it was a union Steward who alerted me or a membership representative to the pending danger. And, in each situation, we were able to make corrections and save members money by simply understanding and adhering (that's the tough part!) to the contract.
It certainly speaks to the importance of Steward training, but does not reduce the importance of being an informed advocate and a member. The responsibility of protecting our contracts and the people who need them falls directly on the shoulders of us all.
Membership advocacy like this provides the 20/20 vision 876 needs to survive the onslaught of company attempts at takeaways, reductions and even thoughtless greed.
So if 20/20 is everything, it will be this year; as we take on a whole new schedule of contracts and employers looking to find ways to reduce labor and your livelihoods. I ask that you remain engaged, read the e-mails we send, the documents we provide and weigh in at every opportunity. The more we know, the better it will go - for everyone.
I look forward to seeing many of you at one of the Membership Advantage Series events for 2020 and hope you take the time to stop in, chat a bit, and enjoy the discounted activities with your family and friends. It's a great time to catch me for conversation. This schedule is printed in this Winter Connection edition.
Another great way to remain in the loop is by signing up for membership e-mails. You can do this by sending an e-mail to This will get you in a monthly communication that include the Bulletin and any other important news and notice. And don't worry, we never, ever share our databases with anyone, for any reason.
Together we can do this!
Dan Pedersen